Tuesday, March 25, 2008


sean astin was at iupui today.

oh, and so was chelsea clinton. snore.

they were campaigning for hillary, of course. she is like her mother - well-spoken, but you can tell that she's been trained well and has bitchiness hidden just below the surface so beware. basically she fed the crowd a bunch of BS and they applauded. and she took questions and fed more BS and they applauded. i stood in a conspicuous place near the front of the crowd looking bored, unmoved, and disagreeable. i hope my peaceful protest made a bigger difference than the ron paul supporter who showed up and stood outside.

edit: go to facebook or nathanandkylee.com to see the pictures. blogspot cuts them off weirdly.

1 comment:

Di said...

sean astin is a billary supporter? that disappoints me.