Monday, May 19, 2008

what's been up

haven't updated for a while. here's what's been up.

-started summer class. flash animation has been good, very easy so far. i could see myself getting into this. it's good to start thinking in keyframes as well. visual basic was easy to get back into from high school until i got to the coding view. i might be effed.
-took our engagement pictures last week. it was cold and rainy so we went to the botanical gardens at the zoo instead. they haven't been finished yet, but here's one of my favorite shots that doesn't need much photoshopping, if any.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
- we visited valle vista and i freakin loved it. it's NICE. the ceremony site is connected to the reception room. the ceremony room is even nicer than expected, and actually quite unique. the reception room is pretty typical of a country club or banquet hall, but it's classy. i like the fact they do everything for you, and i've heard good things about them. so i'm pretty sure we're going to go with that place and get a deposit on it asap. looks like we're going to be getting married june 7th 2009 at 4:30 pm. now we just need to find a freaking officiant.
-michelle and i have embarked on a new zoo-related project - an interactive web-based guide to the animals at the zoo, with personal information about the popular ones. we're doing it on the side throughout the summer and we'd like it to be flash based with some video clips and photos. yea, it's kind of ambitious.
-i don't really plan on getting out that much this summer, but michelle, jason, nathan and i are thinking of going on a two day trip to cincinnati as well. we want to visit the cincy zoo and newport aquarium. and then we're going to steven's wedding in july. i think that'll be it. i really wish we could go to a more interesting state than ohio, or even a weekend in chicago would be nice, but who can afford it. meh,
-355 days til graduation! i've also decided to keep a new countdown on my dashboard - days until i start applying for real jobs. 195 days until i start harassing people hardcore.

oh yea, i've outlined a 10 year plan for your amusement.

2009 - graduate, get married, get a job, move to southern california.
2009-2011 - work for a trailer production house
2012 - 2015 - if the mayans are wrong, work as an assistant editor on a tv show or with movies
2015 - reconsider my options and decide whether or not i should go to grad school for digital effects or color grading or something like that
2015-2017 - assistant editor/senior editor OR grad school (some combination)
2017-2019 - senior editor/leadership role

of course, if i do end up in hollywood (and the more i think about it, the more the lifestyle of southern california does appeal to me in every way and always has), things can move a lot faster than this (or go in a completely different direction), so this isn't really my map. it's just a possibility i wouldn't mind - would be nice to be at a director of post level by my early thirties.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

grades yo

despite this being the most grueling semester yet (and i didn't think anything could top spring 07), i got some sweet grades. i did 16 credit hours, 13 hours/week at the museum interning, and 20 hours minimum at the zoo (usually 30) and spent the rest of my time at school in the labs. since this is my blog im going to brag. eat it suckas.

Client-side Web Programming : B- (extremely difficult labs, this class blew. i got behind in feb and effed it up a bit)
Intro to Yoga - A-
Internship - A
Intermediate Sound - A- !!! (This was the most honestly difficult class I've had so far and it took the most effort.)
Software Project Management - A+ (Didn't know they gave A+'s in college. It makes my plain ol' A's look shabby, but that's ok.)
Lighting and Field Production - A-

My major GPA still holds close to a 3.9, my semester is around 3.6, and my cumulative is around 3.4 or 3.5. And since my GPA doesn't matter to any employers, I don't really care.

No celebrations though since Visual Basic (osigwjmvgklemgjvwnbvolnwv) and Intro to Flash start tomorrow, and it'll be 7 weeks of regular semester work shoved in my brain and stirred around.

in other news, i voted for obama in the indiana democratic primary today. we went to the obama rally last night. it was sweet.

EDIT: i got better grades than i thought. Yoga is an A and Client-side is a B+! omfgwut. So all A's and one stinkin B+. WOOP WOOOOOP!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

wedding dresses

yesterday me and breanne went wedding dress shopping for the first time. it was pretty weird. in david's bridal all they play is wedding music. and when you are trying stuff on, you are on a little stage with pedestals, like dolls. wedding dresses are uncomfortable and heavy. but they are so pwetty. i actually think i found the one i want. here are the ones i tried on:





my favorite is the last one. it's pretty much exactly what i had in mine when i started looking at dresses online - no beads or sparkly things - all the design aspects are built into how the fabric stretches and is cut. i wasn't crazy about the flower but i kind of like it now. however, i'm going to ask my mom if there's any old brooches or clips i could replace it with that belonged to her mom or someone in our family. i think it would look very classic and antique with something like that there. this picture has the dress in ivory but i would likely order it in white. i also like it because it has a sweep train, which is a little bit of fabric on the back - nothing to bustle. and it's flattering. ha.

i tried on two other dresses that were full of fail that you can see in the flickr recent pictures on i do not look good in strapless.

so yea im pretty sure i want to get that dress. it's like $349. eh.