Tuesday, May 6, 2008

grades yo

despite this being the most grueling semester yet (and i didn't think anything could top spring 07), i got some sweet grades. i did 16 credit hours, 13 hours/week at the museum interning, and 20 hours minimum at the zoo (usually 30) and spent the rest of my time at school in the labs. since this is my blog im going to brag. eat it suckas.

Client-side Web Programming : B- (extremely difficult labs, this class blew. i got behind in feb and effed it up a bit)
Intro to Yoga - A-
Internship - A
Intermediate Sound - A- !!! (This was the most honestly difficult class I've had so far and it took the most effort.)
Software Project Management - A+ (Didn't know they gave A+'s in college. It makes my plain ol' A's look shabby, but that's ok.)
Lighting and Field Production - A-

My major GPA still holds close to a 3.9, my semester is around 3.6, and my cumulative is around 3.4 or 3.5. And since my GPA doesn't matter to any employers, I don't really care.

No celebrations though since Visual Basic (osigwjmvgklemgjvwnbvolnwv) and Intro to Flash start tomorrow, and it'll be 7 weeks of regular semester work shoved in my brain and stirred around.

in other news, i voted for obama in the indiana democratic primary today. we went to the obama rally last night. it was sweet.

EDIT: i got better grades than i thought. Yoga is an A and Client-side is a B+! omfgwut. So all A's and one stinkin B+. WOOP WOOOOOP!

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