Monday, April 28, 2008

stimulate this (that's what she said)

the economic stimulus package thing is such crap. mainly because i don't get anything and neither do my parents.

my parents claim me as a dependent so i can stay on their insurance and they pay for a lot of crap. so they claimed me on their taxes this year.

people will be getting $300 per dependent child. any child who was claimed does not get the payment themselves.

however, you have to be under the age of 17.

basically if you're in college and still claimed by your parents (as a majority of college students are), you get nothing and your parents get nothing. you could even be in high school and not get anything.

i'm a full time college student and i earned about $14,000 last year which translates to like a billion tax dollars paid, but noooo. i don't get my freebie borrowed money (that i will surely be paying back in my lifetime).


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